Slipshod Singers

The Slipshod Singers were formed in 1989 by a group of yachtsman following an evening of entertainment at their local club.
They had joined in the singing but it was apparent that some practice would be beneficial.
They decided then to meet regularly and sing for their own enjoyment.
After a few rehearsals came the first performance, a lunch time concert under the name "The Slipway Singers".
Buoyed with their success they did a further evening concert.
This had a few problems and the lady giving a vote of thanks made an “unintentional” slip and described them as the "Slipshod Singers."
The name has stuck !
Despite their name, every effort is made to give the best performance their talents will allow.
Keith Hempstead was its first musical director, a position he held up to 2006 when he retired due to ill health.
Subsequent musical directors have been drawn from within the Slipshods.
The Slipshods rehearse in the Yarmouth Sailing Club on the Isle of Wight and perform all over the Island and occasionally on the mainland.
The Slipshods sing for fun and whenever possible, to raise money for charity.
All singers, young or old, beginners or experienced, are welcome.